How to know Which of the ERP Software Companies in Dubai Workout Perfect for you?

The 3 Steps to Choose the Right ERP Software

If you have decided to get ERP software for your company, well, good for you! Getting ERP software, we believe, is a considerably important sign that your business is growing. It also implicates that you are taking the necessary steps to push your business further.

If you are here, you are probably looking for a guide to determine how you can determine which of the ERP software companies in Dubai would be best for you. We have put together a few steps, following which, you must be able to finalise which ERP software company in Dubai can be suitable for your business.

When you consult a good ERP software provider in Dubai, they would generally assist you in selecting the software and features that would match the requirements of your entity and business processes. However, we believe having a general idea beforehand can be helpful for you. Well, at least, you’ll be able to shortlist some ERP software companies in Dubai.

See, there are several factors that determine the usability of ERP software for your company. Those are the factors that would help you decide on a particular ERP. And those are the factors we are going to discuss here through this article. We focus more on the right ERP selection because once you determine the kind of ERP you need, you will be able to easily choose the ERP software provider.

Factors Helpful in Choosing the Right ERP Software Company in Dubai

Assuming that you have decided to get ERP software implemented for your business, here is how you decide which ERP is helpful for you.

Budget and Related

For buying roughly anything, the budget is one of the obvious criteria. Budget in case of ERP, however, shouldn’t be solely calculated on the basis of the cost at face. Determine whether you are implementing the software to cut back on costs or to hike the revenue or to simply create a better system in your business processes.

You should weigh the costs against the benefits they offer, the duration for which you are considering the implementation etc. With a fair budget, you should be more focused on getting cost-efficient software. Sage ERP is one of the most cost-effective ERP software companies in the Dubai market today.

Features Needed

This is a long enough point to discuss. ERP software can potentially integrate numerous features and links various business processes. But what you need to note here is that with every additional or customized feature hikes the cost of implementing the ERP software. So, if you are on a low budget, it would be ideal to select an ERP with limited, essential features.

ERP software providers in Dubai like Sage ERP offer limited feature ERP as well as advanced, high-end ERPs with numerous basic, advanced and customized features. Listed below are some of the common ERP features. You can check which of them might be needed in your business and discuss with your ERP provider accordingly.

  • Accounting and financial management: This would be one of the basic features of most ERP software. It involves an accounting package which can efficiently keep your accounting and financial transactions and would generate balance-sheets and other necessary accounting reports as and when you require. In other words, you can free up from the tedious book-keeping tasks.
  • Customer support and relationship: This feature is useful you have a large client base that is important to you and needs to keep track of. You can build and manage client profiles and data for required interactions and support.
  • Purchase, sale and inventory management: If you are struggling to keep track your bulk purchase, sales and inventory, you should consider ERP with purchase and inventory management module. These will be all interconnected and every update in sale or purchase will automatically update the inventory.
  • Asset management: the companies that have a wide array of investments, assets etc. can benefit from this module. It can be programmed to automatically calculate depreciation and other asset related aspects.
  • Payroll management: It is one of those most essential ERP modules for enterprises with several employees. With payroll management, major trouble of listing, calculating and paying salaries and incentives of employees can be eliminated.
  • Global operations management: some local ERP companies may not offer this module. This feature may be required when your business has multiple branches across the globe and would like to keep an eye on their performance metrics. Sage is an ERP company in Dubai that offers a global operation management module as well.
  • Report and statistics: There are also other features that can be used to derive complex and detailed reports and statistics of various segments of your business that could be helpful in various decision-making processes and performance analysis.

Need for Customization

Not all ERP software companies in Dubai offer great customization options for ERP. Only a few like Sage do offer basic as well as high-end customizations to precisely meet your requirements. So choose our ERP software company considering whether or not you require a customized tool.


Selecting an ERP software company in Dubai to provide the required technical support and tool is an important decision. Therefore, it is something you need to consider properly. While choosing your ERP service provider, you can definitely take help of the above points. To brief it out, the main things to consider before finalizing an ERP company are your budget and business goals (to be achieved via ERP software implementation), the feature and modules that you would need in the ERP software, whether or not you will need customization in the software etc. So, do your research and use these criteria to shortlist the ERP companies in Dubai.

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